Teacher Overview

Anyone can teach the STARS program. However, for Oklahoma teachers there are opportunities to receive a stipend for implementation of the STARS program.

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1. Oklahoma STARS certified teachers

Oklahoma teachers who have attended a STARS training, are eligible to receive an award at the end of each school year for teaching the program in their classrooms and meeting the award requirements.

2. All other teachers

All other teachers will have access to the STARS materials and are encouraged to use those educational resources as they see fit. However, these teachers will not be eligible for an award.

The STARS training program is available on an individual basis and you may sign up by contacting Marquita Seifried, STARS Program Manager, at mseifried@securities.ok.gov.

Award Eligibility

The Department will award a Chromebook to all Oklahoma STARS certified high school teachers who fully implement the STARS program during the school year. Teachers are eligible to receive one award per school year. The qualifications to receive the award are:

  1. Attendance at a STARS teacher training;
  2. Use of the STARS stock portfolio analysis during the school year;
  3. Instructing a minimum of 5 participating high school students during an instruction period;
  4. Requiring students to track their stock portfolios for a period of at least 3 weeks during the instruction period; and
  5. Completing and returning the required form to verify eligibility.